Legacy: Wife and Mother
Before we conclude, thank you all for coming, I would like to specifically thank those that have helped organize the celebration, including Mike and Becky Chiasson, Sally Johnston, Lauren Arnold, Lauren Smith, Tiffany and Andrea that organized the playgroup, Leslie Thomas (and all of Emily’s EBC friends), and my brother Nathan for emceeing.
One way that we should celebrate Emily’s life is to learn from her battle. Both in life and after her passing, Emily wanted to help other people lead heathy and happy lives. We have heard about how Emily lived and loved throughout her life. But even after her passing, she wanted to help others and donated much of herself to research to help other people that must face the same challenge.
We cannot support our community and help others unless we take care of ourselves. We all know that we should eat well, exercise, moderate consumption of things that are bad for our body, and wear sunscreen. There is nothing wrong with wearing long sleeves and pants and a hat for swimming or being outside. If you have a concerning mole or other health concern, get it checked out regardless of how silly you may feel. It’s not clear whether any of these considerations would have saved Emily or prolonged her life, but we do know that such precautions will save other people. Emily would be happy to know that her pain and her battle saved others. Know that if you or your children get a sunburn, that Emily’s spirit will be next to you like a fallen Jedi with her trademark glare of disappointment.
If you or your loved ones face a similar medical challenge, make sure to advocate for yourself because you know your body better than anyone else. Doctors are knowledgeable but not all-knowing and are as fallible as any human. If you feel that you need to change doctors or get a second opinion, do so. Be wary of doctors that are overly optimistic or who are not willing to match your fight, or that are concerned more with drug side effects that the ultimate side effect of the disease. Don’t get me wrong, I’m appreciative of modern medicine, for Emily would not have been here to see Jane go to Kindergarten or to go to Disney World without modern treatments. But we must do better, as one loss of life is one too many.
It is perhaps sad that we considered ourselves lucky: that we had good insurance and did not worry financially, that we had the opportunity to battle for Emily’s life. Far too many are not given that opportunity, whether without insurance or killed unnecessarily by such causes as the opioid epidemic, war, and gun violence. We must do better!
We can continue to celebrate Emily’s life and keep her spirit alive by continuing her good deeds and letting her passion shine through us. As Emily did, we should cherish nature through conservation, get involved in our community to improve it for all, support others through empathy, love all children, and not just complain but stand up and do something.
Jane is the most visible of Emily’s legacy: whether her beauty, her smile or infectious laugh, her intellect, her caring, or her kindness. It will certainly take a community to raise Jane as Emily wanted, and Emily and I were confident that Westford is that community. I’m confident that together we can raise and support Jane the way that Emily wished.
I fear that we did not celebrate Emily during her life as she celebrated us, but we now have the opportunity to continue to celebrate her. If you are looking for ways to celebrate Emily’s life, contribute to one of her selected charities, plant a tree or flowers, dance, go on a hike or to the beach, take a moment to watch birds, get involved in a community group or committee, go to a movie or musical, or go shopping for someone else. There are certainly many other ways that you can celebrate Emily in your own way. If you are willing, please share these moments with us so that we can celebrate together, by sending an email to us or on Facebook. Please also be sure to fill out a memory card for Jane or send an email to the address on the card so that Jane can fully know her mother as she grows.
We are lucky to have known Emily and are lucky that she chose us. We will miss her everyday but we will continue her fight. If for no other reason, do as Emily would, and use Emily’s spirit as a guide. And be healthy and wear sunscreen!
Thank you for joining Jane and me and our family in celebrating our Emily’s life, and let’s continue the celebration!